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Dr. Aubrey Bentham

New Year Greetings to the Cambridge Family

Dear Cambridge Alumni, Friends, Supporters, and Well-wishers,

As the new year 2014 dawns we are promised a new beginning in our individual journeys in life, a chance to start anew and make better use of our physical and spiritual opportunities. Let us all be reminded of the words of the Psalmist as he embraced newness - "O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth." (Psalm 96:1) This year, our association (CAAAI) has many important responsibilities to perform on your behalf, and we could only accomplish success as we did in the past years by your prayers, support, commitment, involvement, and hard work.

As you know, annual dues are the life-blood of this and all associations. We depend solely on membership dues as the financial base to further your good work in helping to sustain education programs in Guyana, the Caribbean, and the United States. Your once-yearly $50. membership dues help to defray the costs of shipping fees, printing and mailing expenses, reunion and fund-raising overheads, website maintenance fees, and other expenditures. So please go to your CAAAI website ( and sign in as a proud member and pay your 2014 annual dues now, or forward your $50. by mail to the association's P.O. Box address above. You will receive your receipt within 10-business days.

Please remember to 'Save the Date' for your upcoming 2014 Reunion Gala Celebration at the Glen Terrace ballroom, Brooklyn, NY on Saturday July 19, 2014. If you have not attended one of our reunion events as yet, call someone who has, and they will tell you in true Guyanese style - "Man, yo missin' a good ting." Invitations to this year's reunion will start going out by the end of January, be sure to get yours. We are excited, and looking forward to seeing all of you.

Our hero, Robert A. Pinkerton has gone on to promised glory, and has taken his rightful place in the annuls of Cambridge Academy history. To honor his legacy this alumni association will continue to present the Pinkerton Awards for Excellence in Education and Community Service at our next reunion and going forward.

On behalf of the CEO and members of the Executive Board, I take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very safe and happy New Year. May all of your wishes come through and your joy be multiplied tenfold.

Fondest Regards,

Dr. Aubrey F. Bentham
President, CAAAI

About Us

The Cambridge Academy Alumni Association International (CAAAI) welcomes you to its official website. We are an international forum which was organized in 2006 and has been a meaningful and viable group of former high school students.

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Cambridge Academy Alumni Association

P.O. Box 6177, Largo, MD 20792


Picture of Flag of Guyana